I visited the Ruins...it seemed appropriate

It was a Sunday morning.  That Sunday morning, I learned the Truth.

It was a Truth I had known, one that I had felt and had been shown in dreams, but a Truth that had not until that moment been confirmed. And there it was, looming and large and imposing and not going away.  Now that it was there staring intently into my heart and soul, I was numbed by the pain of it.  My body literally ....

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Words to Inspire You

Sometimes words come to me.  I have always enjoyed reading books and trying my hand at writing my own best seller (I still have those unfinished books from my adolescent years tucked away in my trunk!).  The words of other writers, oracles, and priestesses have served to open my heart so that my own memories and words could come pouring out.

Now that the writing prompts are over from the writing group I joined a few months ago, (and I didn't even finish them all) I started....

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Down the Rabbit Hole and the Princess and the Pea

Recently I participated in a writing group because I needed to express myself.  I needed to get the words on paper that floated around that sea of tears hidden inside my heart.  The words that flowed out through the pen from my heart and the hearts of the others who were in the group were gripping, heart-wrenching, sad, raw and beautifully eloquent.  And now, I feel as if I have honored that part of healing and letting go and I am ready to....

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Writing, Dreaming and Standing in the Pouring Rain

I wrote a note to send to you that I started last week.  Sometimes I want to write to you each week, but can't decide if that is too much in your Inbox, so I have a couple of entries for you here based on my latest adventures with Me, Myself, and the Universe.  It's a long one...get your coffee and settle into your comfy chair!

In other news, September is a month of....

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Running Away...Finding Home

A few weeks ago I was at the Great Lakes Retreat and met a wonderful pilgrimage leader named Evans Bowen.  She gave a presentation and in it she said something that really stuck with me.

Sorry, Evans...I don't really remember the rest of your presentation because this one thing was what I needed to hear.

"It's not a.... 

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Words I Wrote

I think I wrote to you fairly recently but I wanted to write to you again...because I've been writing!  Well, I technically have taken a few days 'off' from the writing group I joined for the month of August to FEEL and fully EXPERIENCE what was happening in my life right NOW and in the moment rather than to sit with.....

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Ancestors and Touching the Past

Last week I was in Michigan teaching and offering readings and photo sessions at the Great Lakes Retreat, which you should REALLY come to next year BTW, and on the way there I decided to stop through NW Ohio to visit my grandmother who I hadn't seen for quite some time.  She is 95 and.....

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Confronting Fear and Taking Charge of Your Life

I've been here...just processing and listening to messages and to what needs to be shared with you all.  That being said, today's topic is a big one...confronting fear.  Never easy.  Never ordinary. Always necessary to create the life you want and to move forward in the direction you are meant to.  While it is good to be mindful, it is paralyzing to be....

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Random Thoughts on a Rainy Day

Today is a lovely, perfectly rainy day.  I have been hard at work for the past week and a half (truly!) and it is nice to sit here and muse a bit this afternoon...windows open, grey skies, the chirps of a Canadian Goose family at my back porch.  A perfect afternoon for reflecting.

Mostly there is a lot going on in this head of mine and this particular entry in the Goddess Diaries may look.... 

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The Importance of Shutting it All Out

The weekend workshop in Chicago was wonderful and the concert pushed me a little out of my comfort zone but it was worth it.  I sang!!  Unheard of!!  It was sweet and epic and magical.

I was reminded of today's topic recently and wanted to share with you a little more about what it is like to be a psychic medium, whether you are just curious to know what is going on in our heads as we sit there across the table from you or....

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A Bit Like Alice...a writing

Thrilled to have the sun shining once again in my part of the world!  Spring, I'm so ready for you! There is a new-ness and a refreshing breeze that blows through everything...every pore, every breath, every fluttering of bird wings and the warm scent of soil.  Can you feel it?

I was reminded today of how....

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Walking Between Worlds

I don't have a special connection with owls but today they seem to have a special connection to me.  As soon as I walked in the door to give readings today this beautiful little white owl caught my eye.  I'm sure he has been sitting there for a while but today....

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The License Plate Game

You remember that game as a kid on long road trips, right? The goal was to find a license plate from each state and then peace was established in the backseat!

I have been working on...no, let me better describe this...I have been IMMERSED with the Goddess Mut and while....

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Eclipses, Equinoxes and Pyramids....oh, my!

This past week has been a powerful one celestially speaking...the energy lingering from the solar eclipse, the Vernal Equinox and the lunar eclipse just this morning!  Add to that the energy of golden pyramids and a giant statue of Rameses and, well....what an amazing ride!  

I had a meeting this past weekend in....

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A Walk with Nature

It's been a week and life is crazy sometimes.  All one can do is embrace it with open arms and savor all the goodness and memories that are being made.

Sometimes that means we fall together.  Sometimes that means we....

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Edge of the Dark Forest

The light on the tall faces of trees beckoned and I could suddenly feel the coolness of the grass, wet with morning rain on my bare feet.  There was a pounding in my chest that quickened with each eager step until it rang in my ears.  Behind their tall faces stood the...

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Movies, Messages and Tears

I did not even know this movie was coming out until I caught the title at the end of a movie trailer commercial while sitting in a restaurant in south Texas.  The title alone was enough to get my attention!  So when I returned home I went to see it.  I went to see it the night before.... 

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Your Dream Life

There is so much out there online and in bookstores about dreaming and following your dreams and making your life the life of your dreams and there is certainly nothing wrong with that!  I support all of that whole-heartedly!  

What I want to talk to you about here today, however, is.....

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Wisdom from Kung Fu Panda

I have a picture of our Mastiff, Chief, enjoying movie night during a winter storm one year.  The movie was Kung Fu Panda and the image on the screen was Po, the panda, looking sternly at Chief.  I only shot it with my cell phone because if I got off the couch to get my big girl camera, he would have gotten up to follow me and.....

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Do It Again

How many times have you experienced a life lesson only to have it come back in some aspect so that you are left feeling like the Universe is hitting you over the head with a lesson you didn't quite master the first (twelve) times around?  I'm sure that has....

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