Goddess, Priestess, Queen: Divine Feminine through the Ages
On this unique pilgrimage through Egypt, you’ll have the opportunity to explore Ancient Egypt through the eyes of the Divine Feminine in her many forms: the Goddess, the Priestess, and the Queen. Through the stories on temple walls, you’ll discover your unique connection to Isis, Sekhmet and Hathor. You’ll find your calling as a Priestess as you walk the path of Priestesses before you such as Amenirdis, Nitocris, and Akhnesneferibre. As you begin to understand the “her-story” of Ancient Egypt, you’ll walk in the footsteps of powerful queens such as Sobekneferu, Hatshepsut, and Nefertari.
Find your purpose, find answers, a few mysteries and more with Priestesses Normandi Ellis and Amy Auset Rohn