This retreat is truly a special and magical time that blesses you and continues to fill you as the sun and moon move across the sky throughout the year. It's a place to
find community
grow more fully into your spiritual gifts
gain a powerful understanding into your soul’s blueprint
develop a stronger relationship with the spiritual woman that you are
It's designed to ignite those sparks that wait patiently to be fanned into flames in your heart and soul, those sparks that are tiny little lights within the sacred and mundane rituals of living day-to-day and walking between worlds. It's a place to find refuge, to surrender, to just BE and breathe.
But don't just take our word for it....here's what others are saying about their experience at the retreat!
"This is a great way to give back to me and to reset. It was so very enjoyable”
“This was such an amazing experience. It was a joy spending time with like-minded women who are also loving and kind. I will definitely return next year.”
“Events like this make me feel normal and make my life make a little more sense. They show me how strong and powerful I am as a woman and a light-worker”
“Truly inspiring weekend! I am so grateful to attend- a real blessing!"
Join us this year for our 5th annual Women of Spirit Retreat as Rev. Normandi Ellis, Priestess of Isis Amy Auset Rohn, and Rev. Sharon Kenton lead you into a weekend of immersion into the energy and wisdom inside the Temple of Abydos to unveil your own inner mysteries.
Rev. Normandi Ellis will be presenting Nine Bodies of Light: Enter into the heart of Abydos to stand before the Djed Pillar, or Tree of Life, which contains the secrets of illumination, renewal and return. Learn how you exist on multiple planes of being through your spiritual bodies as seen through the eyes of the Ancient Egyptians.
Rev. Normandi Ellis is an Arch-priestess of the Fellowship of Isis, a clairvoyant Spiritualist minister and an internationally known teacher. She is the author of 13 books, most notably the spiritual classic Awakening Osiris, based on the hieroglyphic text of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. For over 25 years Awakening Osiris has been a touchstone of the spiritual tourist through Egypt and was described as an essential text for the spiritual pilgrim. Her most recent book with Nicki Scully is The Union of Isis and Thoth: The Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt (Dec 2015). She teaches in the Metaphysical School at Camp Chesterfield (Indiana) and offers clairvoyant circles private consultations on the phone or in person, and online
Priestess of Isis amy Auset rohn will be presenting Hidden Numbers, Hidden Names. Explore the rooms of Abydos and enter the Hall of the King’s List to reveal what is hidden in the power of a name and how names were viewed by the Ancients. Learn what is hidden in your own name and retrieve all the parts of you that you forgot that you remember
amy Auset rohn is an ordained Priestess of Isis through the Fellowship of Isis, clairvoyant-medium, harpist, spiritual coach, and Oracle who leads others on a journey back to themselves through the magic that is Egypt, the body and intuition. Her courses are taught in alignment with the Egyptian Pantheon to help you find clarity, open your intuition and re-ignite your passion for life. They are deeply alchemical and powerful in their practicality. Her music is truly inspired and mesmerizing. It takes you quickly into the realm of magic and Spirit where you can begin to feel at one with your Self and the Universe. She teaches a variety of workshops online and around the country and offers readings in person or via phone. You can reach her and find out more here on this website! :)
Rev. Sharon Kenton will be presenting, The Flower of Life: Walk into the Osirian, the sacred resting place of the heart of Osiris to discover how the Divine lives in you, blossoming and growing in the Heart Temple of Abydos. Learn secrets of Divine Invocation and Decree-- summoning your power to live fully in the joy of your Golden Inheritance. Together we will open to new lifestreams while unifying with the Heart of the Goddess.
Rev. Sharon Kenton is a Spiritualist minister with a desire to teach the truths of Natural Law uniquely explained through the study of the living stars. She believes that through the study of the heavens we can better understand how the order and harmony of the Cosmos encourages movement past limiting beliefs, augmenting joy and an abundant life. Sharon has developed all of her classes to help you connect with inherent Soul potential and power, and teaching the relationship between palm reading and astrology is one of her favorite subjects. Sharon has been ordained by the Indiana Association of Spiritualists and is a graduate of Chesterfield’s School of Metaphysics. She teaches, studies, and resides at Camp Chesterfield and also has a private practice in Dayton Ohio.
What more women are saying about the retreat....
“Women of Spirit was an expansive and lovely weekend. I was provided with many tools and so much content that will really empower me to do my work in the world. I love the sisterhood we created.”
“Women of Spirit retreat opened a pathway to me to honor sacred space in my daily life and be ever mindful of my female power.”
“This was a wonderful experience that came at just the right time. The energy and presenters were healing.”
“I had a great time with some beautiful women. The classes presented were very interesting and informative. The venue is so peaceful, it is just a weekend to restore the soul.
Once again, this year's retreat will be held at Historic Camp Chesterfield in quiet Chesterfield, Indiana. The historic hotel will be filling up fast this year so be sure to make your hotel reservations NOW at
Registration $165
Deadline to register October 31, 2019
Details for 2020 Women of Spirit coming soon!
Beloved Abydos
The halls
The walls
The whispering sands across the stone
The sound of bird wings
The sound of my heart beating
The stories etched into my soul
The people
The places
The memories forgotten