Does the moon ever talk to you? She's there, watching over you waiting to share with you so much insight each and every day. She moves gracefully across the zodiacal dance floor in the sky alternating between getting dressed and taking it all off, standing there in her full beauty and tucking herself away quietly between the stars. She is intuition, mysticism, and power. She is the light and the darkness. She is abundance and the scarcity. She pulls upon the great watery body of the ocean...and she pulls upon your own watery depths.
Join me in 2017 for The Moon and Me, a transformational personal journey of self-discovery and blossoming with the guidance and power of the moon. Sit with her and listen. Dance and see her smile. Fill her loving cratered body with the tears from your own scars. Align with her through cellular meditation, optional explorations to go deeper into your connection to her messages, and feel your heart, body and soul flow gently into your own becoming through the moon's music.
For each new moon and each full moon each month beginning with the powerful Solar Eclipse February 26 you will receive:
- Audio Moon Message for full-body and cellular meditation
- Audio Moon Music to support your meditation and healing aligned with the Music of the Spheres and the zodiac sign of that moon
- Optional explorations of journaling prompts and questions to invite you to go deeper
- All recordings are downloadable so that you will have lifetime access to them
- Participate in a closed Facebook group to get support and share your ah-ha moments with others who are experiencing this course along with you...all around the world!
The content of each of these New Moons and Full Moons will be available to download to your favorite listening device so you can access them at any time. The content links will be emailed to you just before each New Moon and each Full Moon so you can begin to tune in for the actual event.
The ancients knew the power and the significance of the moon and how to harness it for empowerment in their lives. There is a part of you that is wild, ancient and wise...a part of you that longs for that connection with the stars and the moon and the wind across your skin and the earth between your toes that whispers what you forgot to remember. The moon... she is there for you now.
Does the moon speak to you? She is waiting....
Registration for this amazing course ended February 28!
You can still access the Full Moon in Leo/Lunar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces/Solar Eclipse sessions absolutely FREE!
If you are interested in this course beyond the registration deadline, please contact me