The Goddess Inside

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Synchronicities and magic with the Aten

I’ve written about my experiences with synchronicity and magic before and at the risk of sounding like I’m on repeat, I’d love to share a little more of the magic that happened recently with the recording of the meditation offered in Patreon….because #magichappens

The Music

Each month in the offerings of Patreon there is a meditation to connect you with the neteru we’re focusing on that month. I map out their notes, sit with them and play the music on my harp. The recording is then sent to my dear friend Dee Kennedy who then listens to the music and records the guided meditation that we share in our online Egyptian Mystery Schools on Patreon.

The magic that happens is a Real Thing and every time it does, we’re both so blessed and validated. I say validated because doing this work online is sometimes a “lonely” one in that you’re working with people but not necessarily in person or face-to-face so you aren’t sure of the impact as it happens… just have to trust. Having these validations along the way let’s us know in a big way that the work we’re doing is indeed powerful and transformative and that we need to “just keep swimming” and creating together for you all.

The magic of the Aten

For the month of June I wanted to highlight a solar deity and the Aten stepped forward. He did this by showing up in material I was putting together for Hathor during May. It came in the form of a Hymn to Hathor in her temple at Dendera where she is referred to as “the Atenet” and the “eldest child of the Aten”. Wow! I really loved that and began putting the next month’s material together on the Aten.

One of the things to prepare was of course the music for the meditation. I sat with the notes of his name and began to settle into it, my fingers on the strings and feeling his presence with me strongly. I had a deep desire to have the words of the Great Hymn to the Aten recited with the music and was trying to figure out a way to do that after recording the music. I received a firm but gentle nudge to let that go and to simply settle back into the music.

I recorded the music and then sent it to Dee with a note that basically was, “Here’s the music for next month”. Nothing else.

A few days later she sent it over to me and I was looking forward to it so I listened right away. As I’m listening I realize that she’s reciting a portion of the Great Hymn to the Aten in the meditation!!! Exactly what I was feeling but was encouraged to let that go for the moment!!! The other significant thing was that the portion she was reading from mentions Nubia and the people from this region. It’s significant because we have been planning our tour to Egypt together and a part of the tour is to go to the Sudan….ancient Nubia!!! (Stay tuned for details on that!)

I called her right away to tell her how amazing this was and she shared with me how as she was settling into the meditation that she felt strongly to recite this hymn, so she did. We had a little love fest on the divine guidance of the neteru between us.

What does this mean?

One of the takeaways from this experience is a reassurance from the neteru on a personal level. Life happens to all of us and we can get overwhelmed or bogged down emotionally in relationships…. even if you’re “aligned”… even if you’re “spiritual” … even if you’re doing All.The.Things to walk in a state of your Highest Self you’re still always partly a Human in this Life and there are things that you can’t avoid as they’re part of your lessons and so they’re served up for you daily so you can work through them. It’s experiences like this magic with the Aten that remind you that there’s a Bigger Picture for you and that the challenges you’re struggling with are just that….challenges - challenges to make you stronger, to help you with your perspective on Life and with others….that they’re not in your life to punish you or to keep you down.

Overall, your life may be really really great but there are sometimes things that get to be a lot to deal with and your inner strength muscle gets worn out and you break down for a minute or two. Perhaps you can wallow in self pity with the best of them but the thing is…..there is magic happening all around you to remind you that you’re on the right path. This path that’s filled with self doubt or relationship problems or tough emotions to deal with is where you need to be right now….it’s not the place in which you’re meant to stay. This magic comes at just the right moment to inspire you, to pick you back up, to lift your spirits and get you back on track to fulfilling the other parts of your Destiny that somewhere inside you know and remember.

This is how this magic feels to me….it’s like a little jump start, a little good cheer from the Universe that I’m on the right path, even when this path is not easy and I struggle with the every day challenges of Life. I’m doing what I need to be doing. I’m where I need to be. I’m in this place of surrender and trust. There’s a plan for me that I remember somewhere deep inside and the Aten took a little time out of his day shining down upon the world to be sure to shine a little extra my way.

What to do now?

I encourage you to open to the magic by listening to these little nudges or thoughts that come in quietly. I encourage you to know that you have a Big Plan that somewhere inside you remember. I encourage you to feel the light of the sun on your skin and remember that you are blessed beyond measure, even when it feels like the exact opposite.

You can also leave me a comment to let me know of special magic that you’ve experienced

You could also join me and Dee in the TGI Egyptian Mystery School on Patreon to be a part of this magic in a way that will open you up even more (double down and pop in on Dee’s special offerings, too!)

No matter what you choose to do next, may you enjoy everything about today

~ Auset