The Goddess Inside

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A Piece of my Past

Putting together a class can be a daunting task. There is the concept of it all which is the easiest part! Then there is the writing of it all, the transcripts and the exploration sheets, then the recording, setting up links, putting the emails together and scheduling, making sure everything works properly, going over the material...going over the material again, revising, revisiting, researching, playing the music and marketing it so that others can benefit from all your hard work!  Whew, right?!

I love it!

Being an Oracle and a Priestess of Isis is not something I have taken on in this lifetime to do lightly.  It is something that has made my life immensely richer with challenges sprinkled in to give the experience more texture and color.

This course, "Navigating Mercury Retrograde with Nekhbet-Mut" is one that has been on my mind for three years.  Yup, THREE years!!!  Nekhbet and Mut have been so patient with me and the time has come now to get all of this out into the world.  They have so much to teach and so much guidance to give and so much healing to offer.

All of it is based on their stories and what lies hidden between the lines.  That is the mystery that will unfold once you begin to open and surrender to it.  That is where the magic begins to happen deep inside your heart and soul and through your veins.

One of the areas of focus during the course is the exploration of past lives and it can be a powerful revelation once it is revealed.  I'll share deeper about that experience during the second week of the course but for today I want to share a little bit of my past because I think this woman is intriguing and inspiring as hell. (pardon my French)

Margaret Wilson in a painting I purchased is soon to be gracing my walls.  I came across her while looking through our big, black Wilson Family Tree book a few years ago.  She was martyred for her faith at the age of 18 in Scotland.

To come across just that little bit of information is in and of itself powerful.  This is a woman who is in my family.  This is a woman whose DNA I share...and she was a game changer...and strong...and courageous beyond words.

How can I be that strong?  

One moment at a time.

We all have moments in our lives that don't make sense or that seem to want to change so much that life begins to feel overwhelming and chaotic.  But, if we look to our past and the challenges our ancestors faced we can find the wherewithal deep inside to make it through whatever Life is handing to us in this moment.  We've got that strength and resolve in there just needs to be uncovered.

What might you discover in your explorations?

Sending you so much love...