
My name is Amy Auset Rohn and I am here to help you become all that you are meant to be through teachings of the Goddess, Oracles, and Ancient Egypt.  

A little about me.....

I grew up and still live in central Indiana.  Being in nature has always been important to me and growing up in the country surrounded by my horses, dirt roads and endless acres of forests and creeks to explore was the perfect place to be.  Even today, I spend as much time as I can outside and although I am a true "land lubber" I do love being near the water.

I grew up very religious and then was able to explore the spiritual side of things deeper when I started college.  My first college religion class I had to drop out of because I was not ready to hear the professor question the validity of the Bible being the actual word of God.  I made some new friends on campus from all around the world and learned about them and their culture.  I discovered that they were really great people even though they had a different belief system from mine.  When I transferred to another college and had to take a religion class to complete my degree I was ready!  The stories of Roman myths and Greek legends and Egyptian temples fascinated me and thus began my ascent into the world of spirituality unrestrained by the walls of conventional religion.

Throughout my spiritual journey I studied Reiki, Channeling, Tarot, Animal Totems and Shamanism, Crystals, Sound Healing, and Mediumship.  

Eventually Egypt called me and I heard her.  I began a study in the Fellowship of Isis to become an ordained Priestess of Isis. I learned of her stories and the stories of the other neteru and the energy from them was so ALIVE!  More so than all the angels and spirit guides and animal totems that I had worked with before in my journey.  At last, I was home...in Egypt...right here in Indiana.  

My other gifts....

My other gifts include photography and playing the harp!  

You can find out more about my music, see some videos and purchase my CD at


You can find out more about my photography and blog at
