If you’ve been drawn to the magic of Ancient Egypt and want to learn more about the mysteries within her sand and temples
you’re in the right place!
Egyptian Mystery School - Patreon
Here is where you can learn more about the stories, the ancient feast days, and ways to connect the neteru (Gods/Goddesses) of Ancient Egypt for support and guidance every day through monthly meditations, weekly PDF’s filled with information and explorations, monthly audio lessons, AND a monthly presentation on the ancient texts such as the Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts, Book of the Dead, Temple Texts, and ancient literature on papyrus, stela, and more!
Choose a tier that feeds not only your soul’s longing for All Things Egypt but that also helps you to better understand and interact with the magic and mystery of this very special place.
No homework….just learn and grow!!!
Online courses/events
Here is where you answer the calling of your soul to learn, to dive deep into the sands of your own time, to learn more about the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt and how to develop a relationship with them to guide you every day
Your journey into wisdom awaits…join a LIVE event or dive in on demand!
Want to watch helpful videos?
Come over to my YouTube channel for helpful video tips on working with the Egyptian mysteries, how to work with guides, what it means to be a medium and more! Subscribe and learn…it’s like taking a mini-class with me…and they’re FREE!!!
Priestess of Isis Program
It's a place to align more closely to the Egyptian Goddess Isis. Not everyone is destined to become ordained as her Priestess, but you can feel her heart beating with yours. She's called to you, found you and is leading you closer to her
The Iseum of the Divine Isis Within is a place of higher spiritual practice and heart-felt dedication.
Travel to Egypt
Here is where you follow your heart to the land of Khem….Egypt. Visit the temples, museums, sail along the Nile and experience Egypt’s people with Auset and Normandi Ellis. The light that enters the ancient temples and shines on the waters of the Nile is like no other place on Earth…..and we can’t wait to show it to you!!!
If you’re a spiritual seeker, travel to Egypt is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your Self.
Just need a reading?
Maybe you don’t want to take a class or become a devotee of Isis and just need a little extra insight. I’ll tap into the wisdom of the neteru through an intuitive card reading to help you find clarity
Shopping makes you feel good?
Oooh, I’ve got you covered!!! Music for meditation and more, an original Oracle deck, books to help you grow and create your Best.Life.Ever.
Emerging into your own becoming.
The stories of the Gods and Goddesses are so much more than just stories. The Gods and Goddesses them Selves are more than just animal-headed humans. There’s wisdom hidden within the spaces of the words where the breath weaves softly through them. This is the place to uncover this wisdom and make it yours

the possibilities are endless….
Wade in or immerse your Self in the mysteries
The possibilities are endless and the choice is yours. Whether you want to dedicate your Self to Isis as Her Priestess or Priest, or if you want to learn more a little here and there, or you just want to read about things for a while….you’re in the right place!